While the center of our learning is play, we also have a few curriculums we use to teach core content. In addition to these curriculums, we also have daily center time when students are able to have free choice of activities.
One In Christ - Jesus Time
We have daily Jesus Time when we learn stories from the Bible. We focus on Old Testament stories in the first semester and New Testament stories in the second semester.
Handwriting Without Tears - Literacy
The Handwriting Without Tears program uses a tactile approach to letter writing. We use wood pieces in simple shapes to build letters, learn their names, and the letter sounds.
Second Step - Social Emotional
Second Step is an intentional social emotional curriculum that helps teach social skills, empathy, problem solving, and emotional regulation. We see students utilize strategies they learn throughout the day.
Heggerty - Phonemic Awareness
Heggerty is a fun and active way to help children learn pre-reading skills with rhymes, isolating sounds, and segmenting words.
One In Christ - Jesus Time
We have daily Jesus Time when we learn stories from the Bible. We focus on Old Testament stories in the first semester and New Testament stories in the second semester.
Handwriting Without Tears - Literacy
The Handwriting Without Tears program uses a tactile approach to letter writing. We use wood pieces in simple shapes to build letters, learn their names, and the letter sounds.
Second Step - Social Emotional
Second Step is an intentional social emotional curriculum that helps teach social skills, empathy, problem solving, and emotional regulation. We see students utilize strategies they learn throughout the day.
Heggerty - Phonemic Awareness
Heggerty is a fun and active way to help children learn pre-reading skills with rhymes, isolating sounds, and segmenting words.
"Play is the work of the child." - Maria Montessori